Monday, February 9, 2015

Nuggets From My FB Page......

I made my Mom a promise that I would dedicate a large portion of time in the ministry to reach out to as many people as possible who need encouragement simply to make it through each day. We have been giving away material free to those who can't afford it, set up an intercessory prayer chain to keep 'in the trenches' with peoples lives, preaching in small churches for whatever they can afford to bring a message of hope in Christ where they can't afford to host an event, and many other similar outreaches.... My heart is filled with thankfulness for all my new giving partners who have come on board to make this possible... Jesus and Mom, I'm doing my best. I love you Mom... See you in the morning!

Don’t back down. Don’t surrender to the enemy’s vicious lies in your mind, his attacks against your body, his challenges to your finances, or his assaults on your relationships. Regardless of how much resistance he tries to bring against you, don’t back up on the word God gave you! If God gave you a promise; He will perform it.. If you hadn’t received a true word from the Lord, there would be nothing for the devil to challenge! The fight you face is the greatest evidence you’re right on track! Just hang on, and don’t give up! God will bring you all the way through.. Having done all, to stand Stand therefore........

I absolutely do not understand believers and church leaders who dont want to talk about the things of God. Many say "Wow. I need a drink". Thats interesting considering that Jesus said if you drink of that water you will thirst again but if You drink the Living Water of Christ You will never thirst. Are western believers so addicted to self that sharing their faith never crosses their minds? Did they come to Jesus to be saved from their sin or to get a blessing; a better job, or a good self image... I am praying for a revival that will send us to our knees and deliver us from the ways of the world. As I still see it from the Word: We are to be in the world but not of the world... Just saying!

Giants in the land; idols in the heart; storms that suddenly arise; weariness in the heat of the day; the dark night of the soul; Many are the afflictions of the righteous. BUT, thank God, there is One who can defeat and overcome every work of the enemy: Jesus Christ and Him crucified; HE will deliver us from them all.

Our God is a help for those who are lowly and feel inferior, a protector of the weak, a refuge and shelter for all who have given up in despair, and a Savior to those who have been given up as hopeless....What a Great Jesus we serve....

Daniel was thrown into the Lions Den NOT the Comfort Inn..... If we can ever get past the need to feel comfortable all the time we could learn to stretch our faith and believe God for souls... We could put legs to our prayers and be the instrument God uses to change a world... There has to come a 'death to self' first.......

The great missionary Hudson Taylor said, “God isn’t looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him.” Hudson Taylor also stated, “God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him.” Once again, that pretty well describes our hearts in ministry. We are all failures without Jesus and we simply serve as dirty tools in the mighty and faithful hands of God. We simply want to honor the Savior who redeemed us with His shed blood and victory over the tomb.
Please keep our efforts in your prayers. God blesses the efforts of His people when they humbly depend on Him to bless their efforts for eternity. I appreciate your prayers, your words of encouragement and your faithful support more than you will ever know.

As a Christian, your life is not guided by the stars and planets. That's what the pagan world looks too. Your life is to be guided and directed by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit as you are conformed into the image of Christ.

When Jesus Christ came into our lives, we were immediately emancipated — totally set free! Because of this, we are no longer servants to sin; now we are servants of the Almighty God.Refuse to let sin have its way in your life any longer. Yes, you were a servant to sin in the past, but now you are a servant of Jesus Christ. So tell the devil to hit the road and take his temptations elsewhere! It’s time for you to yield to the Holy Spirit so He can mightily release His divine power in you and give you the energy you need to live a life of obedience to God!

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