Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Nuggets From My Recent Social Media

The UFO phenomenon, giants, ancient artifacts and so much more…. It all ties in with the Fallen Angels. The end times will continue to be wild. As it was in the days of Noah, so it shall it be in the time Jesus returns!!! I’m still in my deep dive on Nephilim , reading L A Marzulli and Ryan Pitterson . Fascinating look at the subject that figures so predominantly into the last days!
There are parts of God you can only know in Worship and community. It’s not all about Bible information… we are created to live after the Spirit.. We are supposed to pattern our lives after Jesus…. What happened? Those who treat you as if you are wrong about everything will eventually need to be told to stay away! Be who God is making you to be!! So many erroneously believe that if they just say they believe in Jesus they are soon going in the Rapture but the Bible says that without Holiness, no man shall see the Lord!! I will be sharing more from my social media soon.... God Bless You

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Reclaiming & Restoring Biblical Christianity (BANNED BY YOUTUBE)-- Jack Van Impe