Tuesday, January 23, 2018

2018 Starting Strong

Good Day Friends and Partners,
I thought I would take a minute and tell you that 2018 has started off super strong for us here at the Ministry. We have more people partnering and supporting the work than ever before. We are reaching farther with the Gospel than ever before. I have hardly even noticed any who may have become offended and left. The Lord Bless them. But I have a great team forming up right now for a very strong season.. Thank You Jesus...... !

 For the Lord of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? (Isaiah 14:27) All the Forces of darkness Cannot Stop what God has ordained.....
I stand on this everyday as we press forward into all God has for us in these last days... No turning back now.. Thankful for those who are standing with us..
The Lamb will rule in the heart of His church! As we daily lay aside self, flesh, offense, and cast all our cares upon Jesus: we reach new plateaus of holiness and Christ likeness.. Together, we grow up into the fullness of Christ and then we see Him as He is more and more.. Together we run faster and grow the gifts He has placed in each of us.. In This season we get the realization of the meaning behind it all : We are waiting— He is coming.. wherever you are today; He is coming!!!

You may wait and wait and wait and the call may never come. The promises of men may never be kept. You must be prepared to forge ahead with God anyway. #TrustGodAlone

Sometimes if you are intense and passionate about living for Christ (really living Because of Christ) and passionate about your God Given, God called ministry, people will wish you were more toned down. But, if you let them take away your intensity; they have just robbed you of your life, with your permission... Let your heart burn with passion for the Savior.. Allow the Love He has placed within you to reach out to others unashamedly... Be His witness... If you are available, The Lord will send you to the world......... In His Name. God bless you guys today..


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