Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 9 Update

Well friends, Partners and supporters of the ministry,

June has gotten off to a great start. June 4 and 5 Angie and I were very blessed to attend 3 services of the Joyce Meyer conference in Grand Rapids MI.... She taught on the Holy Spirit and my heart was so stirred.. Sometimes we need to go back to the foundations and rekindle the flames... Amen..

Right away Angie and I felt led of the Lord to help with the water wells that the Joyce Meyer ministries is providing around the world...

I was supposed to be in South Bend IN June 9 and 10 but this morning as I was on my way, a deer ran into my car and put it out of traveling commission for just a few days until we get it repaired ... I will be renting a vehicle if needed until ours is ready and we will be rescheduling the Indiana events for later in the summer......

God has been pouring forth a heavier anointing than I ever remember on the messages and TV work lately... Some of the new messages the Lord is giving me cut right to the heart of living as a Christian in the Last Days and you have seen some of the clips already that we did in Virginia but the new ones are even more straight to the point. We can't wait to share them here with you!

In times of prayer together, and its imperative that married couples pray together often in the days we are living in, God has been speaking a phrase to Angie and I that has a particular meaning to us that we knew right away and in the next few days I will be sharing this with you... The phrase is "Open up and Re dig some old wells".

We truly feel that we are coming into a new season once again in this ministry and God has said it will be a Good Season.. I really need all of you to stand with us with your prayers and Giving in this time. I have had several major visions of what God wants to accomplish and I don't yet even have words to tell it!

So, be watching the blog closely for the next several weeks. New Teachings and major announcements on the way.. God bless you friends......

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